Saturday 24 November 2012


Today we started editing our music video using the Final Cut Program 
  1. We first sorted out what clips were needed or deleted.
  2. Started re-naming them in which order we would edit them. 
  3. Which clips would need special effect if the lip syncing wasn't perfect.
  4. The we've discussed on which person would be doing what task for example: adding special effect, getting the clip and song right in order to get the lip syncing right ect. 

Thursday 15 November 2012


  • Today we started filming our first part of the music video and because we've change actresses due to inconvenient times to shoot, we ran out of time as it was getting dark. 
  • A few things were messing which we were planing to add into our music video for example the red contacts, but we've all agreed once we start editing that we would add an effect to show the angry emotion 
  • Also we were able to improvise with the dress change (white to back) which was the theme from being all innocent into the white dress then showing how our actress change to the black one which darker make up.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Recce - updating

Location: Epping Forest

By visiting our chosen location for our music video, it made it so much easier for us to understand where our main character would be standing and using in parts of the location. By visiting the park it gave a really clear vision of where and what exactly our character would be doing and what special effect would be appropriate to use at certain places at the park. The images below and on the right are where our main character will be standing and syncing, we decided to use this in a part of our music video because this is going to take place in one of the pre choruses of the song of ‘Remember When’.

Here we are also going to have the actress sit down on the long looking upset on her own, this is to connote that she is on her own, that’s why we decided to use an isolated location for different parts of our music video. When looking at our location we found an appropriate place where our two characters would have a flashback because in the lyrics it is stated that “If only you could only see the beast you've made of me, I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free” we thought that this old dead tree would be suitable for the theme we are going for our music video. This is sort of an isolated place where after the flashback our main actress will be reminiscing the old days (flack back) looking upset.

Throughout the music video our actress will be walking through the woods, we figured out how these place places would be perfect for our fast-forwarded effect, focus and blur effect and extreme close up on our actress face to show her emotions.

Tuesday 6 November 2012


During our meeting we've discussed 
  • where we will the appropriate location for us to meet in order to film. 
  • We also where trying to figure out which equipment we would need to bring with us since we are styling our actress ourselves.
  • We have come up that we needed to bring our props as in dress, red contacts, make-up, hair styling ect. 
  • We would also bring spare batteries in case our camera batteries run out.